Monday, June 16, 2008

The big weigh in...

Today we saw Margaret our midwife and she did a checkup on Dane. He's just 2 days shy of being 4 weeks old. He weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces (he was 8.8 at birth) and he grew 2 centimeters. So Dane is thriving!

1 comment:

4ones said...

Hi Team Iowa
Josef and Jeena here. What great news for you both! and what a lovely little bubba. We hope all is well and you certainly look very very happy!. Yanika would be keeping him up all night if she was there!!
A suggestion,give him to Sal to practice with every now and then......actually on second thought a cabbage patch doll would probably be a safer option, my brother is a bit rusty with tending to little people! If you cant find a cabbage patch doll (I'm not so sure if they are still in fashion)a rugby ball will do.
Our regards
Jeena Jo and the sproggs