Sunday, June 22, 2008

One Month Old!!!

Today we celebrated Dane being one month old! We just cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. We have enjoyed every minute of it! Before we know it he'll be a year old! Dane has changed a lot from the time he was born. He's much more active now...always squirming around when he's awake. He is so strong too! He has great control of his head and his little legs are so strong. Dane continues to roll over everytime we lie him on his tummy. Today he even did it when he was lying on the hard floor. Before it had always been while he was lying on our chase lounge which is a much softer surface. He is always smiling and he's starting to coo a bit more. At times it seems he just really wants to talk to us but instead a little coo comes out. He is also so close to laughing too! I'm sure it won't be too far away:) We love our little Dane!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Widlund

Today we sadly said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Widlund:( We were so happy that they were able to come meet Dane here in NZ! They had a wonderful time getting to know their new grandson and just loved Dane to bits! Dane can't wait til he sees his grandma and grandpa again because he misses them so much!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The big weigh in...

Today we saw Margaret our midwife and she did a checkup on Dane. He's just 2 days shy of being 4 weeks old. He weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces (he was 8.8 at birth) and he grew 2 centimeters. So Dane is thriving!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy 1st Father's Day!

Today we celebrated Josh's 1st Father's Day. Daddy's little wingman just thinks he has the best daddy in the whole world! He got his daddy lots of neat presents including a Grill Slinger, a book called Daddy Kisses and a framed photo of him and his daddy. Dane wanted his daddy to have a photo for his desk so he can see him anytime he wants while at work. It was a great 1st Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Dane is just all smiles and has been from quite an early age. He's just such a happy bub! His Dada and I just loves it when he gives us a big grin:)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy 3 Weeks Old!!!

Dane is 3 weeks old today! Time has flown by yet it seems like he has been in our lives forever! He is changing everyday and we just love watching him grow.

Today Dane had a little explosion in his pants while his daddy was holding him. Dane managed to not only get his poo all over himself but also his daddy! Daddy loves hearing him rip loud ones but I'm not so sure he's keen when he gets blasted with poo!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bath Time!

Dane just loves it when we give him a bath! You can tell by his big smiles:) He never cries except for when we take him out of the nice warm water. I think he might grow up to be a little swimmer:)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cozy Dane...

Dane makes himself quite cozy at times. You can tell he's pretty content in all of these photos. What a cutie:)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dane and Mama

Dane just loves to be cuddled! Here are a few photos of Mama and Dane hanging out relaxing together.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Dane rolled over!

At just 15 days old Dane rolled over from his tummy onto his back. It wasn't just a one time thing either because he does it everytime we put him on his tummy. Dane holds his head up really well too! He's going to be strong like his daddy:)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

2 weeks old!

It's hard to believe that Dane is already 2 weeks old! The time has flown by and he is just changing everyday:) He's starting to fill out a bit and boy do we just love those little cheeks! He continues to be a great little bub and we just adore him! Tomorrow morning Grandma and Grandpa Widlund arrive in NZ. We are so excited for them to meet Master Dane:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Made in New Zealand

Here are some photos of Dane sporting his "Made in New Zealand" shirt that Michelle a friend of mine here in NZ got for him. He seems to be pretty happy that he's a little kiwi:)